How to Convert Decimal to Text

Converting decimal numbers to text involves interpreting each decimal number as a character according to a specific character encoding scheme. The most common encoding schemes include ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) and Unicode. ASCII is widely used for representing English characters and includes codes for 128 specific characters, including letters, digits, punctuation, and control characters. Unicode is a more comprehensive system designed to encompass characters from most of the world’s writing systems, as well as symbols and emojis.

Understanding Character Encoding

  • Character Encoding: It’s a system that maps characters to numbers. ASCII, Unicode are examples of character encoding systems. ASCII uses 7 or 8 bits to represent a character, meaning it can represent up to 128 (7-bit) or 256 (8-bit) unique characters. Unicode, which extends far beyond ASCII’s capabilities, can represent over a million characters by using more bits per character.
  • Choose an Encoding Scheme: To convert decimal to text, decide which encoding scheme you’re using. For simplicity and broad applicability, we’ll focus on ASCII here, but the principles are similar for Unicode with adjustments for the larger number range.

Steps to Convert Decimal to Text

  • List Decimal Numbers: Start with a list of decimal numbers you wish to convert. Each number should represent one character in the ASCII table or the chosen encoding scheme.
  • Convert Decimal to Character: For each decimal number, find the corresponding character based on the ASCII table (or your chosen encoding scheme). For example, in ASCII, the decimal number 65 corresponds to the uppercase letter “A”, 66 to “B”, and so on.

Example: Converting Decimal to Text

Let’s convert the decimal numbers 72, 101, 108, 108, 111 to text:

  1. 72 corresponds to the character “H”
  2. 101 corresponds to the character “e”
  3. 108 corresponds to the character “l”
  4. 108 corresponds to the character “l”
  5. 111 corresponds to the character “o”
  6. Therefore, the decimal numbers 72, 101, 108, 108, 111 convert to the text string “Hello”.

Verification and Troubleshooting

Let’s convert the decimal number 316 to octal:

  • Verification: To verify the accuracy of your conversion, cross-reference each character with its decimal representation in the ASCII table or the documentation of your chosen encoding scheme.
  • Common Issues: Ensure you’re using the correct encoding scheme for your data. Mixing up encoding schemes (e.g., using Unicode values in an ASCII-only context) can lead to incorrect characters or gibberish text.


Converting decimal numbers to text requires a clear understanding of character encoding schemes and a methodical approach to translation based on those schemes. This process is foundational in computer science and digital communication, bridging the gap between the numeric values computers understand and the human-readable text we use daily. Whether you’re working with simple ASCII or navigating the complexities of Unicode, the ability to translate between decimal and text enriches your toolkit for managing and interpreting data.