How to Convert Decimal to Octal

Converting a decimal number to octal involves translating from the base-10 system, which is the standard numerical system used in everyday life, to the base-8 system. The octal system uses digits from 0 to 7 and is particularly useful in computer science and digital electronics for a more compact representation of binary numbers, as three binary digits (bits) directly map to one octal digit.

Grasping the Fundamentals of Octal

First, familiarize yourself with the The Octal Number System. Unlike the decimal system that uses ten digits (0 through 9), the octal system is based on eight, utilizing digits from 0 to 7. Each step up in place value represents a power of 8 rather than a power of 10.

Initiating the Conversion: The Division Technique


The Sequential Conversion Procedure

  1. Initiate with Division: Take the decimal number you wish to convert and divide it by 8.
  2. Capture the Remainder: Post division, jot down the remainder. This value is part of your octal number.
  3. Update and Proceed: The quotient obtained becomes the new number to divide by 8 in the subsequent iteration.
  4. Continue Until Conclusion: Persist with this process of division, capturing remainders until your quotient reduces to 0.
  5. Compile Your Findings: The octal number is constructed by reading the remainders from the final step back to the first, aligning them in a sequence that denotes the octal equivalent.

Illustrating the Method: An Example

Let’s convert the decimal number 316 to octal:

  • 39 divided by 8 gives a quotient of 4 and a remainder of 7.
  • 4 divided by 8 gives a quotient of 0 and a remainder of 4.
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  • Arranging the remainders from the last to the first gives us 474. Hence, the decimal number 316 translates to 474 in octal.

Confirming Accuracy: Verification

To ensure the conversion’s correctness, you can reverse the process by converting the octal number back to decimal, ensuring it matches the original decimal number. This involves multiplying each octal digit by the corresponding power of 8 based on its position (right to left, starting with 8^0) and summing the results.


This method of converting decimal numbers to octal by division and accumulation of remainders is not just a mathematical exercise but a pathway to understanding how different numeral systems represent the same values. It’s an essential skill in various computing and electronics contexts, offering insights into data representation and processing beyond the surface level of numbers.